A part of the Sarnia Hockey Association mission statement is ….
“To provide a rewarding hockey experience for all players and participants through exceptional programming with a focus on fun, safety, teamwork, respect and sportsmanship.”
At our recent monthly dinner meeting guest speaker Paul Walsh spoke of programs that are available to those with limited finances to still participate in Canada’s #1 sport – HOCKEY!
Won’t you consider making an online donation to https://jumpstart.canadiantire.ca/ or by contacting the Sarnia Hockey Treasurer and arrange for a donation specifically to our “Adopt-a-Player” program. Funds from this program go to covering the cost of registration (full or partial), cost of equipment, or whatever the individual wants to apply their donation. The email address for the SHA Treasurer is sarniahockeytreasurer@gmail.com
A HUGE thank you to the numerous board members, volunteers and coaches who give their time to help the kids of Sarnia experience the joy of playing hockey.
Thank you Jackpot Time for funds provided to our club through our members volunteering at bingo games.

Photo: Chairman Paul Walsh with BG OP President Heather Gillis